Chess Tip of the Day: Think First, Move Second!

Chess is for everyone

chess kids

Greater Peoria Chess Foundation

The GPCF is the driving force behind Peoria Chess. We provide sets and boards to the local school chess programs and tournaments and activities. The Foundation supplies the fiscal muscle to promote chess in the Greater Peoria area. Our youth chess programs involve 100s of youths of various ages and have included the state champions both individual and school team. See our web site for more details on our services. The GPCF is proud to have obtained the bid for the 2021 All Grade and hope you enjoy your stay.


Our students are educated in a safe, secure environment. Students are provided educational experiences that enable them to become responsible, respectful citizens and lifelong learners in a global society. Professional development opportunities promote new and innovative ideas. Parents, staff, administration, and the community working together collaboratively, will foster quality educational opportunities and academic growth in students.